Emergency Electricians for Crystal Palace (SE19, SE20, SE26)

Need an Emergency Electrical repair in SE19, SE20, SE26?
Crystal Palace was named, in 2016, as being one of the best places in London to live. But living there doesn’t give you immunity from electrical issues! An electrical fault can appear in your system at any time. Sometimes you will get a warning like flickering lights, but more often than not, you don’t.
In some cases, your consumer unit circuit breakers will suddenly trip and refuse to reset, leaving you with some or all of your circuits off. In other cases, you may notice an unpleasant smell of smouldering plastic. This is the most dangerous case as it could lead to a fire. It seems fairly obvious, but we have to say it – if you smell electrical burning, cut ALL of the electricity to your home or business and call our qualified and experienced emergency electrician for Crystal Palace on 07956 523316.
Efficient and Trustworthy Emergency Electricians
South London Electricians offer you a professional and affordable 24 hour emergency service. Our experienced emergency electricians are available to respond to your call at any time of day and night.
You can call us on 07956 523316 at ANY HOUR of the day.
We have both domestic and commercial emergency electricians available in the Crystal Palace area and can therefore deal with any emergency electrical problem rapidly – consumer units, 3-phase supplies, lighting issues, faulty wiring.
For your peace of mind, we are registered with all the leading industry and regulatory bodies who continually monitor and assess the quality of the work we carry out.
All of our electricians carry a wide range of spares so normally, one visit is sufficient to make a repair.
How to Choose an Emergency Electrician
When you look through the yellow pages or search the Internet, you will probably find a lot of emergency electrical contractors for Crystal Palace. The problem is then to decide which one to choose. You don’t really have the luxury of a lot of time to research each one in depth. Look closely at their advert or web site, see what professional bodies they are registered with. Avoid any that don’t say – you haven’t really got the time to check them out. That will give you a quick shortlist.
Next look at where they are based. Careful here, there are some national electricians who appear to be local to your area. They will probably just have a contact or two in London, not necessarily in or close to Crystal Palace. These are best avoided. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, they will usually have a receptionist to take the call or your call may be re-directed to an electrician on duty. You may get lucky and end up talking to an electrician for SE19, 20 or 26 straight away but more likely they will be somewhere else in the country. They will then need to pass the message to their electrician in London who can then ring you back. All that means valuable time is lost.
Here at South London Electricians, you will speak directly to an emergency electrician for your area. By the time the national company calls back, one of our emergency electricians could already be on-site, fixing your problem day or night.
Secondly, a local emergency electrician will be familiar with the area and will know the fastest route to your home or business. That is not always going to be the case with an electrician from a national company who may have to cross London from Watford or Enfield … and that could take some time!
So remember, keep our number handy for whenever you need a commercial or domestic emergency electrician in SW19, SW20 or SW26: