Electrical services for schools in London
With schools being in charge of their own budgets, we can help by offering school heads and caretakers easy solutions for electrical maintenance and new installs.
When moving classrooms or new equipment, you may need extra sockets or data outlets to suit the use of the classroom.
We can help with out of school hours working and out of term works.
General repairs
With school buildings having a hard life, electrical outlets and light fitting do get broken or need replacing. We offer 7 day week call out and can help normally the same day.
Energy saving in schools
With electricity bills rinsing year on year, the use of LED lighting in school can save up to 50 % on standard florescent lighting. Since lights are on 8 plus hours per day, this can really save schools money. It can also help you long term with no lamp changing. LED lighting is also available in emergency lights ,so smaller batteries are used and they require less maintenance, making caretakers’ jobs far easier.
School switch gear and distribution boards
Schools have been through major changes since I was at school over 24 years ago – it does make me feel old! The use of schools built in the last 20+ years or 50 years ago, electrical supplies need to change to modern standards. This is because there are so many more computers and electrical equipment in use today. The switch gear may have been fine in 1980s but the loads could have increased more than 30%, so switches have to be bigger.
Voltage optimisation for schools
By reducing and stabilizing the voltage in your building, you can save energy and your electrical equipment will last longer.
As we’ve learned from the voltage optimization systems installed in the last 6 years in retail,running your equipment at an 8% lower voltage – typically 220V instead of 240V – will save you from 8% to 20 % of your annual electricity costs.
The savings are immediate and your equipment will last longer as damaging power fluctuations are removed. A typical return on investment would be around 2 years and we offer a guaranteed saving or we would not install. We only install with voltage exceeding 240v.